False Arrest by Chandler, Arizona Police

False Arrest by Chandler Police at Wal-Mart


11 a.m. lunch at Del Taco

At about 11:00 am I went to lunch at Del Taco. I ordered two 75¢ bean burritos and two 50¢ tacos.

I bet the cash register receipt for that will give the exact time I was there. And if they have video cameras we can use that information to get the videos of me in the store.

When I left I walked by the manger of the Circle K store on Frye Road and Arizona Avenue who was in her car in the Del Taco drive in. She witneessed me and I can probably use that in my lawsuit.

Shopping at Goodwill & Wal-Mart

From there I walked to Goodwill and looked around a little while.

After that I went to Wal-Mart and had just purchased a set of shoes on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 12:16 pm and I was walking home.

Receipt for shoes I bought at walmart on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 12:16pm before being falsely arrested by the Chandler Police

Falsely arrested

Chandler, Arizona Police Officer G. Pederson #200 was the cop who initially falsely arrested me I had just walked past a Wendy's and a Del Taco in the same shopping center as Wal-Mart and was at a complex that houses an America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses store when Chandler Police officer G Pederson badge #200 yelled at me to stop.

I don't know if he drove there, or if he was walking, but when he was yelling at me he was on foot, standing on the parking lot, next to the sidewalk.

He said something to the effect that he wanted to talk to me.

Am I under arrest???

I asked him if I was under arrest and Officer G Pederson lied to me and told me "No".

The defination of "arrest"

When the police, courts and judges talke about the word arrest it has a slightly different meaning then when most civilians use the word.

In legal termonolgy the word arrest means that you are being detained by the police and that you are not free to go.

When most civilians use the word arrest, it does not mean that a person is being detained by the police and not free to go, but rather that a person has been detained by the police and charged with a crime.

He lied and said I wasn't under arrest

I assumed that Officer G Pederson was telling me the truth when he said I was not under arrest and so I told him that if I wasn't under arrest I didn't want to talk to him and that I was leaving. I then said "Bye" and started to leave.

Officer G Pederson seemed to be in a dream world where he wanted me to think that I was NOT under arrest and yet be under arrest at the same time.

Cops do that all the time because they like to confuse people and throw them off guard. They tend to be control freeks, and control freaks love to keep their victims confused and powerless.

He lied! I was under arrest

Officer G Pederson then told me that I was not free to go, and that he wanted to question me. He made up some silly phrase such as "investivative custody" to say I was under arrest.

I told Officer G Pederson something to the effect of:

You lied to me. If I am not free to go I am under arrest. The defination of arrest is when you are being detained by the police and not free to go. Why didn't you answer me honestly when I asked if I was under arrest.

OK in that case if I am under arrest I will stay here.

I'm taking the 5th piggy!!!!

Officer G Pederson then started to question me and he asked me my name.

I responded to Officer G Pederson that I was taking the Fifth Amendment and I was refusing to answer any and all of his questions.

Sadly most cops seem to hate anybody who thinks they have Constitutional rights and my taking the 5th Amendmenment clearly p*ssed off Officer G Pederson.

You will not question my authority!!!!!

\ Officer G Pederson then launch into a tirade where he gave me a lecuture on how wonderful the police always treat me and how I was an ingrate for thinking I had constitutional and wanting to leave and taking the 5th Amendment and refusing to answer his questions or even tell him my name.

I wanted to tell Officer G Pederson that I thought he was a hypocrite and a typical police thug and liar.

Here I am walking down the street minding my own business and this jackbooted police thug comes along and falsely arrests, then lies about me not being under arrest and now is giveing me a lecture on why he thinks I am some kind of ingrate because I expect him to honor my Constitutional rights.

Never insult a bully or tyrant! Never!!!

Of course I didn't do that because when you tell a bully like Officer G Pederson to their face that they are a bully you risk getting beat up or even killed. And of course when you are beaten up and murdered by the police there isn't much you can do.

I wanted to ask Officer G Pederson what lame excuse for he was going to give me for falsely arresting me. But since he just lied to be about me being under arrest I didn't expect him to tell the truth about why he he had placed me under arrest. So I didn't ask him why I was under arrest.

"Probable Cause" or "Reasonable Suspicion" is required to detain!

Most people don't know it but the police are not allowed to stop anybody they feel like and detain them (arrest them) unless they have either "probable cause" or "reasonable suspicion".

What's "probable cause"???

While prosecutors, defense lawyers and judges can argue for hours and days about the definations of "probable cause" and "reasonable suspicion" a simple nutshell defination of "probable cause" is that a cop saw you commit a crime.

If a cop sees you commit a crime the cop has "probable cause" to detain you and take you to a judge, or to detain you and write you a ticket for the crime.

What's "reasonable suspicion"???

The only other reason a cop may detain your (arrest you) is when the cop has "reasonable suspicion".

A nut shell defination of "reasonable suspicion" is that a crime just occured in the location that you are in, and you match the description of the suspect.

When a cops has "reasonable suspicion" to detain you (arrest you), the cop is supossed to detain you long enough to determine if you are the persons accused of committing the crime.

I got a badge and gun and I'm God!!!!!

Sadly most American's are ignorant of the legal system and think that the police can stop anybody they want and force them to prove they are innocent before releasing them.

Thank God, that isn't the case. The police must have either "probable cause" or "reasonable suspicion" if they want to arrest or detain a person they suspect committed a crime.

Of course that is all in theory, and in reality anybody with a gun and a badge is pretty much above the law and is going to do whatever they damn well feel like doing.

What are you going to do when a crooked cop violates your rights? Call another crooked cop and report him???

A lame excuse for "reasonable suspicion"

Eventually Officer G Pederson did come up with a lame excuse on why he had "reasonable suspicion" to arrest me.

I almost fell over laughing because it was such a lame excuse. Althought to be honest I suspect that Officer G Pederson lied to me again and made the whole thing up.

Officer G Pederson told me that on June 5, or 20 days ago, almost 3 weeks ago that some type of robbery occured and that they were detaining me to see if I was the criminal in that robbery.

As I said before when a cop has "reasonable suspicion" you have to be in a location near where the crime occured, and you have to be stopped slightly after the crime occured.

If a Circle K was robbed in Tucson an police officer in Phoenix would not have "reasonable suspicion" to arrest you. The distance is too far.

If a business was robbed 3 weeks ago a cop would not have "reasonable suspicion" to arrest you because too much time had elapased.

If Officer G Pederson uses that lame excuse for "reasonable suspicion" when I sue him in Federal court for false arrest I suspect the judge will laugh him out of the court room.

Officer G Pederson isn't that stupid!!!!!

Of course I don't think that Officer G Pederson is that stupid. I suspect that Officer G Pederson is just a liar and made up that line of BS hoping to throw me off gaurd and get me to confess to something.

Cops routinely lie trying to do that, and sadly a number of Supreme Court cases have said it is OK for the police to lie to trick suspects into confessing.

I find that as somewhat of an oxymoron, because cops try to convince us that it is impossible for a cop to lie in a court room. While at the same time cops are habitual liars when it comes to attempting to get people to confess to crimes.

Now if Officer G Pederson has said that somebody has robbed a store in the area he arrested me, 20 minutes before he arrested me, and that I met the description of the suspect then yes, he would have had "reasonable suspicion" to arrest me.

But saying he had "reasonable suspicion" to arrest me for and even that occured 3 weeks ago is absolute rubbish!!!!

Officer L.J. Morris shows up

After a while a second cop showed up. He as a Black man and his name was L.J. Morris and he had badge number #270.

When a person informs a cop that he is taking the 5th Amendment and doesn't want to answer any police questions, the cop who was told about it is supposed to inform all his police buddies that the suspect has taken the 5th Amendment and should not be questioned.

But most cops treat the Bill of Rights and the 5th Amendment like toilet paper and use it to wipe their butts with it.

Officer L.J. Morris then started to question me violating my 5th Amendment rights.

Officer G Pederson should have told Officer L.J. Morris that I had taken the Fifth and that he should not question me.

But based on my personal expirences I suspect that both of them could care less about my Constitutional rights and were more interest in illegally questioning me.

I don't remember exactly what I said, but I told Officer L.J. Morris that I had taken the 5th Amendment when I was first false arrested by Officer G Pederson and that he shouldn't question me.

Miranda v. Arizona

At that point in time since both Officer G. Pederson and Officer L.J. Morris were violating my 5th Amendment Constitutional rights by continuing to question me I brought up the subject of Miranda v. Arizona.

I said something to the effect of that in Miranda v. Arizona the Supreme Court said that when a suspect takes the 5th Amendment and tells the police he doesn't want to answer their questions or that he wants a lawyer the Supremes said that the police shall "immediatelly cease questioning the suspect".

Of course most cops treat Supreme Court decisions against them with the same respect that they treat the Bill of Rights, like toilet paper or something to wipe their butts with.

And of course Officer G. Pederson proved that I was right on that when he said something to the effect that:

Miranda v Arizona doesn't apply here!!!!
I then told Officer G. Pederson that if I sued him in Federal Court with a Title 42 Section 1983 lawsuit for false arrest he would commit perjury and deny saying that.

Will Officer G. Pederson commit perjury.

I suspect that Officer G. Pederson will have seen the video by then and know he will be caught if he commits perjury and deny his statements.

I suspect that Officer G. Pederson will make up some cockamaine lie and say that he really didn't meant that.

Yea, I suspect his logic will be I really didn't mean to get caught on tape saying that he treats the Bill of Rights with the same respect he treats toilet paper, and that he probably considers the Bill of Rights that is something he uses to wipe his butt after going to the bathroom.

Subway Robbery????

I don't remeber exactly what he said, but at this point in time Officer L.J. Morris said something about a robbery at a Subway.

I am not sure if he was refering to the same crime that Officer G. Pederson said occured on June 5.

But when I file my lawsuit I should use the discovery process to get any info about a Subway Robbery.

As I said at the begining I think there is a good chance that I was falsely arrested because I was circulating petitions to legalize marijuana at the Chandler Public Library.

I suspect that Officer G. Pederson made up the rubbish about some June 5 crime to justify my false arrest.

I also suspect that Officer L.J. Morris also made up the rubbish about a Subway robbery also to justify the false arrest.

Cops terrorize Mexicans in Chandler

On Thursday, June 27, when I went to lunch at the Pirates Fish and Chips I got some new information that made me think that the cops may be having some sweeps in the Mexican part of town to terrorize the Mexicans and perhaps I was falsely arrested because I look like a homeless person, or because I have dark skin and I might look Mexican.

I kind of doubt that fact that I speak Spanish caused the arrest.

I talked to some Mexicans when I ate lunch and they told me the pigs had shaken them down for no reason. Well no reason for other then their brown skin.

The Arizona Republic also ran and information on how the pigs instead of hunting down real criminals had busted some guy for taking a leak in the ally behind a Latino Market.

I suspect the Chandler Police may be having saturation foot patrols in the Latino neighborhoods and I was arrested when one of these foot patrols went to the Wal-Mart.

I suspect that Jose Sanchez-Benitez who was arrested for taking a leak behind the "Carniceria Los Chinos" store or Payless Market as it was called in the Republic article was busted by cops on foot patrol.

The folks who I talked to when I ate lunch at Pirates Fish and Chips were on foot.

I didn't ask them but I suspect they were on foot when the pigs terrorized them. Again I suspect they were terrorized by pigs on foot.

And of course when I was falsely arrested at Wal-Mart Officer G. Pederson was on foot when he falsely arrested me.

Chandler cops are racists that hate Mexican???

The city of Chandler government has a long history of terrorizing Mexicans.

In July 1997, the Chandler police rounded up everybody with brown skin in the part of town I was in and arrested all the people that could not prove they were Americans.

As a result of the racist acts of the Chandler pigs Phoenix attorney Stephen Montoya, filed a $35-million lawsuit against the city. and won it.

Perhaps Officer G. Pederson should have given that to me as a reason on why I should respect the pigs, when he gave me is little lecture after he falsely arrested me.

I will call Sarge if you want to complain

Around this time Officer G. Pederson told me that if I wanted to complain he would call his SARGENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and I could file a complaint with him.

I kind of laughed at him and told him that I wasn't going to waste my time filing a complaint and that I would file a Title 42 § 1983 lawsuit in Federal Court for false arrest and civil rights violations.

You can listen to the video if you want to hear my exact words.

Officer B. Lucus a real jerk???

Shortly before that happend a third cop came. I think his name was B. Lucus. In my opinion he was a real jerk.

He wouldn't give me his badge number. Or if he did he give it in such a way that I didn't understand it.

I also ask him several times to give me his name. Again he was very evasive and it seemed he was doing everything possible to keep me from getting his name.

Officer B. Lucus had a secret conference with the Black Cop Officer L.J. Morris.

They moved as far away from me as possible and it looked like they were whispering to keep me from hearing them.

I think Officer B. Lucus said something about the photos not matching.

But I suspect they made the whole thing up in an attempt to make me think I had been legally arrested.

I didn't see them make any phone calls and asking anybody about any non-existant photos.

I don't know if the three piggies were wired and taking my photo. They easily could have been.

Either way this thing about photos and people saying the the photos didn't match is something I will have to investigate when I file the lawsuite.

Back to "probable cause"

Last if they stopped me because their photos matched my body, that would have been "probable cause" to arrest and detain me.

But arresting me and detaining me, and taking my photos, and then sending my photos off for some third party to view certainly was a false and illegal arrest.

We don't have no stinking business cards

I asked all the piggies to give me their business cards. That makes it real easy for me to file a lawsuit.

That idiot (my opion) Steve Corich who is the Chief of Police at Mesa Community College gave me his busines card after he falsely arrested me.

But these piggies claimed they didn't have any business cards.

I suspect they were lying.

We will have to get that information in the discovery process of the lawsuit.

We don't have no stinking business cards


L.J. Morris has two lawyers

As they were leaving Officer L.J. Morris claimed to have two lawyers.

Yea, like he is going to hire two lawyers with his own money to defend him agaist my lawsuit when the city of Chandler Attorney will defend him for free.

I also mentioned something about Marc Victor in the video.

Marc Victor is an alleged Libertarian lawyer who has defended crooked (in my opinion) cops in the past. FINISH FINISH FINISH FINISH read my notes again to make sure I didn't miss anything FINISH FINISH FINISH


Lawsuit Examples in Word format
Sample Examples in Word format
ASU Police
Arizona DPS
Maricopa County Sheriff
MCC Police
Mesa Police
Phoenix Park Ranger
Scottsdale Police
Scottsdale Police
Tempe Police
Tempe Police