Had my civil rights violated again today at the Tempe Transit Center on Veterans Way, College Avenue and 5th Street in downtown Tempe. Today is Thursday, January 7, 2016 and at about 1pm I was taking photos at the Tempe Transit Center of the Bicycle Cellar, Reveo Pizza Bar or Citrine, and Tea 2 Go. I suspect the Bicycle Cellar got a sweetheart deal from former Tempe Hugh Hallman. The Reveo Pizza Bar and Tea 2 Go are two businesses that were in the Tempe Transit Center which have went bankrupt. Before those businesses came the Tempe Transit Center commercial building were empty for several years. I was planning on mocking the royal rules of Tempe who are freaking idiots when they get involved in business deals and waste our tax dollars. After I had finished taking the photos, of the businesses, which are technically not in the Tempe transit Center, rent-a-pig, A Nunez, or Aldo Nunez came up and told me it was illegal to take photos in the Tempe Transit Center. Aldo Nunez gave me a line of BS that's it's not public government property, but private property and the 1st Amendment is null and void. When I took the 5th and refused to answer his questions, he technically put me under arrest and told me I had to wait for a cop to come and question me, and id me. What part of the 5th Amendment doesn't that fucking idiot understand. I told him I wasn't going to answer his questions. He continue to question me, despite the fact I had taken the 5th and told him I didn't want to answer any questions. As the train was coming he told me I couldn't leave and I had to hang around and wait for the real pig he called to question me and ID me. I just hopped on the train and left. It wasn't until I looked at the photos that I discovered this police thug was armed with a real gun. I am lucky the moron didn't shoot me for the crime of thinking I have Constitutional rights. At least real pigs know that they are violating your Constitutional rights, event thought they don't care. I suspect the f*cking moron thought he was in the right. -------------------------- Here are the notes as I typed them up on my notes -------------------------- Notes - Page 1 of 3 ---- Thursday, Jan 7, 2016 slightly before 1:09 pm I got harassed at the Tempe Transit Center by and armed pig named A Nunez or Aldo Nunez. I started writing these notes at 1:29 pm at the Food City after I got off the light rail. ---- A Nunez told me the Tempe Transit Center was private Property and I could not take photos there. In fact he told me I could not take his photo. ---- When he started questioning me I tool the 5th like I always do, but he contained to question me violating my 5th Amendment rights. ---- Since I refused to answer his questions he told me I had to wait for a cop so the cops could ID and question me. I assumed he called the Tempe pigs Since he told me I had to wait for the cops, I assumed that I was under arrest, and of course that means he violated my 4th Amendment rights. ---- He was guarding me as I waited for the train, and when the train cam, he told me I could not leave because I had to wait for the cops to ID and question me. Based on that I also assume I was under arrest, even though he didn't use the words arrest. Since he had no legal basis to arrest or detain me I got on the train. He also demanded my ID, despite the fact that I took the 5th, again violating my 5th Amendment rights. My bus pass doesn't expire till the 17th of January. It's pass number # L31-658160. I hope the pigs don't steal my bus pass and accuse me of riding on the light rail for free. ---- Page 2 of my notes ---- I was taking photos of the 2 bankrupt businesses in the Tempe Transit Center so I can make fun of the idiots in the Tempe Government. Plus the bicycle shop there. Bicycle Cellar Revo Bar Reveo Bar Citrine?? Revo Pizza Bar Reveo Pizza Bar Tea 2 Go I started taking those photos at 1:00 pm or 13:00 exactly. I suspect the Revo Pizza Bar has a sweetheart deal with the city of Tempe. That guy that used to own the Bandersnatch Bar which used to be across the street from the Tempe Transit Center. Now instead of going home the way I came here, I am taking the long way to avoid the cops from harassing me and stealing my photos, camera, or erasing my photos. Right now I am at Haji Babas writing these notes. I also bought some of those orange pretzels for Rain's party. It's about 2:14 pm, Thursday, January 7, 2016 and I am almost ready to go back and upload this stuff to the internet. ---- Final Notes ---- As I walked from Haji Babas to the bus stop I saw a whole shit load of pigs. Some near Haji Babas, and at several places on the way. ---- Walked to Rural and Broadway and got there at 2:45 pm. Caught the westbound 45 bus at 2:55 Used bus pass # L31-658160 which expires on Jan 17, 2016 Got off the bus at about 3:05 pm. Wrote these final notes at my favorite food place. ----- I didn't write this in my notes, but as I was looking at the photos the rent-a-pig had a gun when he was threatening me, which makes his threats a FELONY. I am lucky that damn mutherf*cker didn't kill me