False Arrest by Chandler, Arizona Police

Dec 6 - Figured out how Chandler Pigs Erased the Video


Figured out what happened on the way to the CLUCK meeting

On December 6 as I was on my way a CLUCK meeting I finally figured out how the pigs erased the video and didn't create a file sequence number.

That was as I was riding the light rail from Tempe to Phoenix on my way to a CLUCK meeting by the Phoenix Library.

My test photos

Here are the initial photos I shot to figure it out. And here is a timestamped file with those initial photos.

How the pigs deleted the video

A quick summery of what happened is the pigs didn't technically "erase the video".

The pigs turned off the power, or more properlly removed the battery from my camera to stop the video from recording.

The caused the computer in the camera to "crash" and not write the file to the SD card. It also prevented the computer in the camera from adding 1 to the sequence number to generate a file with the next sequence number.

And that caused me to think that I FAILED TO HIT THE RECORD BUTTON.

Testing my theory on what happened

To test that theory I did this.

  1. I shot a static photo generating photo number IMG_5563.JPG
  2. I then turned on the video camera which should have generated sequence number IMG_5564.JPG
  3. I removed the battery from the camera, which caused the software to crash and not create sequencde number IMG_5564.JPG.
  4. I shot another static photo and that generated the photo with the sequence number IMG_5564.JPG Of course that sequence number would have been IMG_5565.JPG if I had not crashed the computer while I was shooting the test video.

But the missing data should still be out there!!!!

Now when the pigs turned off the power to my camera by removing the battery, and when I removed the power in the test case the data that was created by the video didn't magically disapper.

That data is still on the SD chip.

But the data is not assigned to any file.

The sectors for that data is marked in the FAT as IN USE.

But those sectors are not assigned to any filename in the TOC of the SD disk.

So to recover the data and recreate it all I have to do is write a simple program like the MS/DOS CHKDSK program which goes out and analyizes the SD card and finds all the sectors in the FAT that are not used in any file name.

After that BINGO, I have the data the pigs erased.

The next step is to write a computer program which creates a file in the file directory and assigned all those "lost sectors" to a file name.

Once I have done that I have recreated the file the pigs erased. And BINGO we can nail the *sses of those crooked pigs to the wall.


Lawsuit Examples in Word format
Sample Examples in Word format
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